Train Orders

Scheduled and Unscheduled Society Events, Timely News, and Notes of Interest

December, 2001  "Merry Christmas"

Annual Holiday Potluck Dec. 16th

GOT PICTURES?   We plan on producing a free tabloid type newspaper for guests at the Rail Festival. The paper will provide information about Festival venues, displays, a schedule of activities, info about Society membership and a bit of rail history.  So, the Society is looking for sharp, quality photographs of trains and rail cars operated by the Fillmore & Western.  We also need scenic photos of the right-of-way.  All photos must be on quality paper and no smaller then 3"x5".  No digital or electronic photos please.  Send your returnable photos with your name and address to SCRVRHS 448 Sespe Ave., Fillmore, CA. 93015 attn: Fred or bring them to any of our upcoming meetings.

   Festival plans also include another railroad swap meet fundraiser on Saturday, March 23rd.  We will be selling donated items such as model train cars, buildings, track, memorabilia, books, train toys, magazines, tools and anything else train related.  If you want to clean out your closets or garages for a good cause (your cause) now is the time to do so.  Remember, all donations are TAX  DEDUCTIBLE!   Bring any items to any of our future meetings up until March.  Or call Fred Ervast at 805 389-0787 to arrange for a pick-up or drop off.  Make this swap meet as successful as the others!

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Train Orders

Santa Clara River Valley
Railroad Historical Society,  Inc.
448 Sespe Avenue
Fillmore, California  93015